Funding & financing are always crucial for a company irrespective of size. Mastering skills in financing & capital raising (FCR) would help your Co build solid foundations to thrive, as well as to survive & achieve relatively greater resilience.
Leveraging on total 100+ years C-suite executives, management & practitioners’ experience of our Advisory Committee members & instructors, you can achieve tremendous time savings to acquire hands-on experiences directly.
Enrolment Deadlines
Each year, two intakes with respective deadline:
2 years (up to maximum 5 years). Four modules each year.
Qualifications & Awards
1. FCR Online MBA Degree: Awarded by IPE Management School of Paris in France.
2. FCRP™ designation: Awarded by International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) of UK, upon passing same four subjects & fulfillment of qualification requirements, as per The FCRP™ Programme curriculum.
3. Member of IPMA (MPMA) of UK, upon qualified as certified FCRP™.
Course Delivery
Pre-record online lectures & live online tutorials at pre-determined dates & time.

Benefits of the Programme
• Highly practical knowledge
• Essential skills for every co, for both survival & growth
• Relevant knowledge & skills can be rather easily applied under real business setting
• Enormous time saving re accumulating hands-on experience yourself
• Our Advisory Committee, & instructors with pre-eminent business executives & leaders experiences
• Attaining multiple goals – Subject to relevant qualification & other requirements, you can be awarded:
(1) Online MBA Degree from IPE-Paris,
(3) Become member of IPMA
• Unique programme
• Great flexibility – You can complete the Programme in 2 years, up to maximum 5 years
• Convenience – Online lessons can be studied anytime, anywhere
• Extend your network – Once you become a member of IPMA and become part of IPMA global community, you can potentially extend your network to various countries around the world.

The FCR Online MBA would cover various alternatives of financings & capital raisings for cos & related topics, such as bank loans, trade finance, project finance, private equity, IPOs etc.
Exemptions – Upon Completion of FCRP™
Upon completing FCRP™ Programme, you are eligible to claim exemptions for maximum of 4 modules, subject to:
(1) You should have passed WHOLE FCRPTM Programme.
(2) However, you can still claim exemption, even though you not yet fulfilled qualification requirements & not yet certified as FCRPTM.
(3) Passed FCRPTM Programme within 2 years prior to application date of FCR Online MBA.
(4) For each module, minimum overall assessment of 60% have been attained,
(5) Each subject is assessed separately & exemption is approved on independent basis,
(6) Approval by PTI & Our PDLC Partners.
For Each Module
2 Course Reflection Assignments for course work, and
Open book online exam, or project for assessment.
For Final Year
Final Year Project, based on real business case(s).
For details, pls. refer to IPE Student Handbook, available upon successful enrolment
Career Prospects
Graduates of FCR Online MBA are expected to enhance practical skills and expertise in different forms of financing & capital raising. You should be able to apply relevant practical knowledge in real business setting, potentially raising your ability to add value.
Our graduates should also enhance ability to manage & handle financing & capital raising strategies, strengthening foundations for their cos to prosper & grow. Contribution to their Co’s prosperity is anticipated to lead to his/her success too.
FCR knowledge & skills of our FCR Online MBA Programme can be applied to various industries. It is expected to widen career choices, & enhance your competency to potentially manage larger scope of different industries.
Global Networking
You can join occasional networking events for course participants, alumni of IPE, and members of IPMA, which may be held from time to time.
After becoming a member of IPMA. You can also join global network of IPMA.
- 1. The Financing and Capital Raising Online MBA is an online pure distance learning course and is not subject to registration requirements in HK.
- 2. The FCR Online MBA would NOT cover any country- or region-specific regulations, knowledge, practices etc. regarding financing & capital raising, unless explicitly stated for a particular module / subject.